Sun, 02 June 2024
Sun, 02 June 2024

                                                                               Social Forestry Day

Social Forestry Day in Bhutan, celebrated on June 2nd, marks the coronation anniversary of the fourth King, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck. This day epitomizes Drukyul's unwavering dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

In a vivid display of this commitment, the event was graced by Officer Commanding, sector heads, Dessups and staff under Lhuentse Dzongkhag planted Jacaranda (40 nos) Gulmohar (40 nos) trees. These efforts not only enhance the beauty of the landscape but also restore degraded land and protect forests, fostering a collective spirit of conservation.

This day serves as a vibrant reminder of Bhutan's profound respect for nature and its pledge to Gross National Happiness, where environmental health is paramount. Through these initiatives, Lhuentse Dzongkhag, and Nation as a whole, continues to preserve its lush landscapes, ensuring a greener and healthier future for generations to come.


